Really digital wallet

This post is inspired from this linkedin post about Samsung’s new phone which store crypto on the hardware until the owner decides to connect it to internet and transfer money:

The post it refers to is this one:

One of the comments in the Linkedin post was that “not to loose your phone”. However, isn’t this a normal day for anyone with a wallet? The phone turned quite quickly into a wallet when the cases started to have pockets for credit cards. Now the credit card has moved in to the phone, but it is the same device.

And not to loose your wallet is as ancient advise as money. “Do not get robbed” is always a good thing. Though, robbing takes place both in irl and in the digital world.

One thing is to loose the actual physical phone and what mess it creates in your daily life and what you have to report stolen, but as most things are digitalised and one makes easy back-ups of the entire phone – it can be reproduced on a new hardware quite easily.

When you get hacked (note: not “if”), another mess is created where you also have to spend days by the computer to change passwords and find out what account you had where, and possibly also struggle with the police report, insurance and bank itself (if you got an ID or money stolen – just hacked is no crime as far as I know).

No news under the sun – keep track of your wallet. As easy as that. No matter time nor physical state.


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